Tips for Successful Claims Submission


Here are tips for claims submission to help ensure efficiency and success.

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Submit all claims using the billing dentist or dental entity TIN. If a change to the TIN or the name associated occurs, notify Delta Dental of Missouri. After the TIN change has been completed by our professional relations department, ensure that the TIN change has been updated in your system. It’s important to submit the correct TIN based on the date of service.

Any claims with a date of service prior to the TIN change should be submitted using the old TIN, and any claims with a date of service on or after the TIN change should be submitted using the new TIN.

National Provider Identifier (NPI)

The current ADA Dental Claim Form provides space for the NPI Type 2 or business NPI, as well as the NPI Type 1 or individual NPI. If your office is registered for a business NPI, this should be populated in Box 49 on the ADA Dental Claim Form. If no business NPI is available, this box should be left blank. The provider’s individual NPI should be populated in Box 54 on the ADA Dental Claim Form. Ensuring proper placement of these NPIs can prevent claims processing delays and denials.

Should you have any questions regarding proper claims submission or documents needed, our customer service team and professional relations team are happy to assist.

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