Dental Health Metrics program helps identify moderate and high-risk patients


Delta Dental of Missouri (DDMO) would like to thank all the dentists who participated in the Dental Health MetricsTM program in 2021. DDMO is proud to have partnered with these dentists to deliver preventive services that will have a positive impact on the oral health of the people we serve.

The Dental Health Metrics Program continues in 2022. If you participated in 2021, please log in to your dashboard in 2022 to ensure your continued participation in the program. For those dentists who want to participate in the Dental Health Metrics Program for 2022, please contact our Professional Relations Department at

DDMO launched the Dental Health Metrics program to provide participating Delta Dental dentists with an online tool to help identify patients in need of preventive care. Based on national quality metrics, the program helps increase utilization of evidence-based preventive care and improve the oral health of our members. If you are already registered, you are good to go. If not, we are pleased to invite you to participate in this program to work towards our shared goal of improving oral health in the communities we serve.

More information on the Dental Health Metrics program

Prevention is the first step to improving oral health. Unfortunately, many people do not schedule regular dental visits and do not receive the appropriate preventive services to maintain and improve their oral health. The Dental Health Metrics program helps identify patients at moderate to high risk for dental disease who have not returned for their regular dental visits or have not received the appropriate preventive service.

DDMO provides each participating practice with access to a dashboard to monitor the status of each at-risk patient of record for key preventive care and oral examinations. There are five nationally recognized quality metrics that will be used as performance measures:

  1. Topical fluoride for patients (ages 1-20) at elevated caries risk
  2. Sealants on first molars for patients (ages 6-9) at elevated caries risk
  3. Sealants on second molars for patients (ages 10-14) at elevated caries risk
  4. Percentage of enrolled patients (ages 21+) at elevated risk for caries who receive a comprehensive or periodic exam within reporting year
  5. Percentage of enrolled patients (ages 30+) with a history of periodontal disease who receive two or more periodontal maintenance procedures or prophylaxis within the reporting year

DDMO will monitor the delivery of preventive services and oral examinations that lead to better oral health and reward the participating dentists who achieve the goals set for each metric. For those dentists who achieve the goals by the end of 2022, DDMO will provide a financial reward for helping to improve the oral health of the people we both serve.

If you are interested in the program, please contact your professional relations representative at

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