Earn CE Credit at Delta Dental Workshop


Earn CE credit by attending one of Delta Dental of Missouri’s free seminars. Educational seminars are open to all Delta Dental of Missouri participating dentists and their office staff. The seminars are presented by professional relations representatives of Delta Dental of Missouri and will offer continuing education credits.

Workshop schedule and locations are posted on our website at deltadentalmo.com on the provider page.

Upcoming seminars will cover dental insurance, claims processing and proper dental claims submission. The informative insurance overview will provide attendees with a better understanding of dental insurance basics and proper documentation.

Insurance 101 (Two CE credits)
Friday, September 27, 2019
9:00 – 11:30 pm
The Library Center
4653 S Campbell Ave
Springfield, MO 65810

Register here

We look forward to the opportunity to share information to help us work together more effortlessly.

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