Re-Credentialing Reminder for 2020


In 2020, if re-credentialing is necessary, you will receive a notification in the mail. Delta Dental of Missouri has partnered with DentalXChange to offer re-credentialing for current network providers and credentialing and provider network enrollment for new providers.

DDS Enroll by DentalXChange is a free online tool for quick and efficient submission of initial provider contracts and re-credentialing. DDS Enroll allows providers to complete the entire credentialing process online, providing improved accuracy and timely processing. It is a complete solution for your credentialing and network enrollment needs.

Click here for a user guide that provides step-by-step instructions with screenshots for the DDS Enroll online credentialing system. A link to access the DentalXChange landing page for DDMO providers is also available on our website at

The online platform includes:

  • Auto-Populating Fields: After forms are initially completed through DDS Enroll, the Question Wizard will save user information and autofill fields on any additional applications thereafter.
  • Document Repository: DentalXChange supports the ability to upload required documentation or certifications needed to submit or renew credentials.
  • E-Signature: Users will have the option to electronically sign credentialing applications.
  • Tracking Progress: Providers can view submitted credentialing applications and check the status of their credential renewals through DDS Enroll.
  • Virtual Reminders: The program will send virtual reminders to users along with document expiration reminders to reduce the potential gap in renewal time or risk of termination from the network.

Contact the DentalXChange Credentialing Team at 800-576-6412 ext. 471 with any questions.

Our professional relations team is here to answer any questions or concerns. Contact us at

DDS Enroll by DentalXChange User Guide

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